We didn’t know if we would have a contest this year because of the pandemic, but as you can see, we have ourselves a winner who contacted us to see […]
2019 Essay Contest Winner Isaiah Sanchez
CONGRATULATIONS to Our 2019 Essay Contest Scholarship WINNER Isaiah Sanchez! At our regular meeting on June 6, 2019, we were delighted to receive our two finalists Kailey McNamee from Cabrillo […]
Past Grand Award Passed Down
It is always with great satisfaction… We are delighted to report that our Noble Grand Joe Avila, Jr., is now also a Past Grand just as his father before him. […]
Trunk or Treat and Thriller Flash Mob
Our 2018 was a success! Thank you everyone who attended! What Is a Trunk or Treat? A fun and safe way to Trick or Treat without crossing streets or knocking […]
Our Charitable Giving
Odd Fellows have a mission to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead and educate the orphan. This was given to us from the Odd Fellows lodge in […]
Newest Rebekahs
Congratulations to the newest members of Lompoc Rebekah Lodge #139! As you can see, both men and women may attain the Rebekah degree. The newest Rebekahs received their degree on […]
2018 Essay Contest Winner Cassi Colangelo
CONGRATULATIONS to Our 2018 Essay Contest Scholarship WINNER CASSI COLANGELO! At our regular meeting on June 7th, we were pleased to receive our finalist for our essay contest and notify […]
$1,000 Essay Contest
$1,000 Odd Fellows Annual Scholarship Essay Contest In at least 300 words, tell us… “What Can Odd Fellows Do Best to Help the Community?” Of course there are rules to […]
The Grand Old Man of Lompoc Was an Odd Fellow
According to the Lompoc Journal dated February 19, 1910, the “Grand Old Man of Lompoc” passed away that morning. Why was he the “Grand Old Man” and who was he? […]