Our 2018 was a success! Thank you everyone who attended!
What Is a Trunk or Treat?

A fun and safe way to Trick or Treat without crossing streets or knocking on darkened doors. Vehicle owners dress up their vehicles and bring candy for the little ones. These events are a lot of fun for the kids because it's rare to see cars dressed up for the event!
This will be held at the downtown parking lot on Ocean Avenue (between I Street and J Street) on Sunday, October 28th from 6pm to 8pm. This event is free to all!
What Is a Thriller Flash Mob?
A fun way to celebrate the spooky season! In a flash, a mob of zombies appears from nowhere to chill you and thrill you with their undead moves!
This will be held in the middle of the Trunk or Treat event at 7pm SHARP!
Want to either dress up your car and bring it to the Trunk or Treat or maybe dance in the Thriller Flash Mob? Just email us at lompocoddfellows@gmail.com and we can hook you up with the details!!